Supervisor, District 1
Edward Herring
Elected November, 2019
Office Hours
- Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Except on legal holidays)
Mailing Address
Warren County Board of Supervisors
913 Jackson Street - Vicksburg, Mississippi 39183-2539
- Native of Vicksburg. Father of three and grandfather of one. Spend every opportunity with them I can, they all keep me young at heart.
- Vicksburg High School
- Mississippi College
- Harvard Business Leadership
- Six Sigma Certification
- Lean Management Certification
- Veteran U.S. Army
- AT&T , Environmental, Health and Safety Senior Administrator
- Elected Supervisor for District 1, Warren County Mississippi November 2019
Community Affiliations
- President of Board of Directors, Jacob’s Ladder Learning Center
- Coach, mentor, volunteer, MS Special Olympics
- State representative for AT&T Community Engagement