Warren County, Mississippi

Re-Discover Living!!! A Great Place to Live, Work, and Play!

Marriage License Application



You will need to FULLY complete the application.  When you come into the office for your appointment you will need to bring both driver’s licenses (Driver’s licenses cannot be expired) .  If you have been divorced, you must fill out the month, day and year of the divorce. After you have submitted your online application, it is YOUR responsibility to call the clerk identified in the email you will receive in order to  make your appointment. We only do marriage licenses Tuesday thru Friday. The phone number is 601-636-3961 The cost is $37 .00. If you are paying in cash it must be EXACT Change. You may pay with a debt or credit card. (The card company charges a fee of $1.00)

You both must be present at the appointment to sign and pick up the license. 

Please come at the time agreed upon! 

If you can’t make your appointment or are going to be late please call and let us know. 

Both parties must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. If either party is under 21 a parent or legal guardian must be present with photo ID and in the case of a Legal Guardian you must have a certified copy of the Court Order appointing legal guardianship when picking up the license. 

Once we issued the license it does not expire. 

You will be able to leave the Circuit Clerk’s office with your marriage license in hand but you WILL NOT be married until you hold a ceremony overseen by an officiant, and the proper documents are returned to the Circuit Clerk to be recorded with the State. 

Applicants are responsible for making the arrangements with a licensed Minister, or other authorized official to perform the marriage ceremony.

After we record your marriage you will be able to purchase certified copies of your marriage license issued in Warren County. 

The cost is $17 .00 for a certified copy. 

The Circuit Clerk shall not issue a marriage license to any male applicant under seventeen (17) years of age, or any female applicant under fifteen (15) years of age, without a Court Order from a Circuit, County or Chancery Judge.  

If either party has been divorced, we need a copy of the divorce papers.  

If either party is under 21 years of age,   The Parent OR Legal Guardian must reside in warren County.  In the case of a legal Guardian they must bring in a certified copy of the Guardianship papers.  They can upload the divorce paper or bring them in.

Marriage License Application

Deputy Clerk

Sandra Barnes

Deputy Clerk

Christy Lamb

Deputy Clerk

Mary Fautheree

Deputy Clerk

Dana Kenney

Deputy Clerk

Kelly Stevens