Custodian of Public Land Records:
- Receive and record all documents (Warranty Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, etc.)
- Create and maintain various indexes for documents filed in public land records (i.e., subdivision index, section index, direct/reverse index, etc.)
- Process homestead exemption applications and assessment rolls through the State Tax Commission
- Account for all recording fees
Clerk of the Chancery Court
- Receive and assign cases to the Chancery Judge
- Maintain the court docket and file all records of the court
- Keep and preserve court minute books
- Issue process for service upon defendants
- Receive and account for various filing fees
- Process all phases of civil commitments, both mental health and drug and alcohol
- Transmit statistical data to the Administrative Offices of the Courts (AOC)
- Transmit divorce and other statistics to the Mississippi Department of Vital Records
- Process court records for appeals to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals
- Serve as court appointed guardian, administrator, executor, conservator, or commissioner when called upon
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
- Attend all meetings of the Board of Supervisors
- Prepare the minutes of each Board meeting
- Assist the Board in equalizing the assessment rolls of real and personal property
- Compile numerous reports on the Board’s behalf and submit them to other state governmental entities, as required by statute
- Receive and process all applications made for homestead exemption and the results to the State Tax Commission
County Treasurer and County Auditor
- Receive, disburse, and account for all county funds of whatever nature
- Prepare monthly claims docket, pay all county bills and sign all county checks
- Prepare a monthly report of receipts and disbursements to the Board of Supervisors
- Receive and account for monthly and annual settlements from various county officials, including the Tax Collector, Sheriff and Justice Court Clerk
- Maintain various ledgers and accounts on behalf of other county offices and must examine the books of all offices
Collector of Delinquent Real Estate Taxes
- Receive and maintain the list of lands sold for taxes on the last Monday of every August
- Receive, process and account for the redemption of all lands sold for taxes and make a record of the same
- Research owners and lien holders of lands sold for taxes and issue various forms of notice prior to the foreclosure of the right of redemption
- Issue tax deeds (clerk’s conveyance) on lands sold for taxes upon maturity
Other Duties
- Record and preserve Military Discharges
- Serve as county-wide notary
Department Overview
The Chancery Clerk’s office consists of 6 full time employees and various part time employees, plus 2 employees in the accounting department. Each of these employees may be reached by calling (601) 636-4415.
Ashley Opperman attends all meetings of the Board of Supervisors, records the official minutes and maintains files for supervisors’ documents. She receives and processes all applications made for homestead exemption and forwards the results to the State Tax Commission. She is responsible for receiving and processing the redemption of all lands sold for taxes and making a record of the same, researching the owners of lands sold for taxes and issues various forms of notice prior to the foreclosure of the right of redemption and issues all tax deeds on lands sold for taxes upon maturity.
Ashlynn Flynn is responsible for receiving and processing the redemption of all lands sold for taxes and making a record of the same, researching the owners of lands sold for taxes and issues various forms of notice prior to the foreclosure of the right of redemption and issues all tax deeds on lands sold for taxes upon maturity.
Sara Sykes and Lusinda McCroy are responsible for receiving and recording all land documents (Warranty Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, etc.), lis pendens, military discharges and constructions liens; creating and maintaining various indexes for documents filed in public land records and accounting for all recording fees. They record releases and federal tax liens.
Mary Flaggs and Tana McCormick are responsible for receiving and assigning cases to the Chancery Judge; maintaining the court docket, issuing process for service upon defendants, keeping and preserving court minute books, process all phases of civil commitments and accounting for various filing fees. Tana attends all commitment court hearings.