Warren County, Mississippi

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The Ninth District is located in west-central Mississippi and includes Warren, Sharkey and Issaquena Counties. Total population of the District is about 58,000.

This District Attorney is a State Official elected from the District every four years. There are 22 District Attorneys in the state.

The Ninth District has three Assistant District Attorneys, two Investigators, two Victim Assistance Coordinators and a Worthless Check Unit/Office Administrator.

Check Unit: 601-636-5870

DA_9thCircuitMap1The District Attorneys in Mississippi Prosecute adult felony crimes occurring in their district. They also prosecute certain limited crimes committed by juveniles (under age 18).

Misdemeanor crimes (where the penalty would be less than one year in jail) are prosecuted by county prosecuting attorneys in Justice Courts or City Prosecuting Attorneys in City Courts. Juvenile offenses are prosecuted in the Youth Court by County Prosecuting Attorneys. The District Attorney does not collect child support, establish paternity or do any civil litigation.