Warren County, Mississippi

Re-Discover Living!!! A Great Place to Live, Work, and Play!
  • Serves as the Clerk of the County and Circuit Courts (3 Judges).

  • Receives and files all law suits, indictments, motions and other related papers in all Civil and Criminal Cases filed in the Circuit or County Courts and issues all process including summons and subpoenas.

  • Draws Jurors and qualifies Juries. (You do not have to serve on jury duty if you are over the age of 65. You may call the Circuit Clerk’s Office and be taken off the Jury List if you are over 65).

  • Keeps a record of all Judgments and Executions.

  • Issues marriage licenses and keeps records of marriages.

  • Records medical and other professional licenses.

  • Registers citizens to vote and has other duties in handling elections.

  • Collects and disburses fines and restitution money ordered from the courts.

  • Keep a general court docket in which all names and parties in each case, plea, indictment, records from inferior courts on appeal, and other papers are entered.

  • Keep orders of the court which are referenced in the minute book.

  • Keep the execution docket.

  • Enter a full and complete record of the proceedings of the suit.

Administrative Duties for Election Process/ Voting Registration
  • Serve as a registrar for voters in the county.

  • Collect a filing fee from candidates pursuing a county office or legislative seat within the county.

Jury Duties
  • Notify citizens who have been selected to serve on jury duty

  • Prepare a jury list for the attorneys

  • Familiarize jurors with the courthouse

  • Receive and file all documents during trials

  • Issue subpoenas

  • Jury instructions given by the judge

  • Receive verdicts of jurors and read them in open court

  • Issue jurors a county warrant (check) and certificate of service (if needed)

Marriage License Duties
  • File a Statistical Record of Marriage with the office of vital records with the state board of health

  • Issue the marriage license

  • Collect, from applicant, a filing fee of $36 per marriage record preparedÂ