Warren County, Mississippi

Re-Discover Living!!! A Great Place to Live, Work, and Play!

Calendar of Legal Holidays Observed by Warren County

January 1st:   New Years Day

The 3rd Monday in January:   Robert E. Lee’s birthday u0026amp; Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday   

The 3rd Monday in February:   Washington’s birthday (President Day)

The last Monday in April:  
Confederate Memorial Day      

The last Monday in May:   National Memorial Day and Jefferson Davis’s birthday 

July 4:   Independence Day  

1st Monday in September:   Labor Day   

November 11:  
Armistice (Veteran’s) Day     

A day fixed by proclamation by the Governor of Mississippi as a day of Thanksgiving, which shall be fixed to correspond to the date proclaimed by the President of the United States: Thanksgiving Day

December 25:   
Christmas Day

These dates are subject to change by proclamation of the Governor.  The Governor may also add additional days before and after the original holiday depending on how the holiday falls.  These proclamations are usually announced a month prior to the event.