Warren County, Mississippi

Re-Discover Living!!! A Great Place to Live, Work, and Play!


Any change in your homestead exemption property requires a new application with the Tax Assessor’s Office to receive credit for the upcoming year.  (If a new application needs to be signed, bring in this card with tag numbers listed below.)

Some examples of changes are:

  • Sold part of homestead track or purchased additional property
  • attained age 65 or became 100% disabled last year
  • Death of homeowner or spouse; change in marital status (Marriage, Divorce or Separation)
  • Any deed, will or correction recorded in the previous year

(Refinance or mortgages do not apply)

Deadline for claiming the exemption is April 1.

If there are no changes you do not have to sign.


Aerial Maps and Estimated taxes can be found at http://warren.msmaps.org, to estimate the taxes look for the ‘$’ on the tool bar.

Important Dates to Remember:

  • Homestead – January 1st until April 1st
  • Tax Rolls are turned over to the Board of Supervisors for approval – First Monday in July
  • Personal Property Renditions – April 1st (after will accrue a penalty of 10%
  • Appeal Deadline  – First Monday in August

Homestead Exemption  may be filed from  January 1st to April 1st

the following documents are needed when filing for homestead exemption

  • All deeds to your property (it has to be the recorded instrument – warranty deeds or quit-claimsNOT the Deed of Trust)

  • Car tag numbers for all vehicles owned by you or in your possession.  (If you have tags other than Warren County, you must change them before you can file).

  • Social Security numbers for yourself, spouse and any joint owners.

  • Birth dates for yourself, spouse and any joint owners.

  • Purchase price of home.

  • Amount of down-payment or equity.

  • Purchase price of land, if you purchased it separately from the home.

  • If you built your home yourself, we need to know what it cost you to build it.

  • If you live in a mobile home on your property, you must bring your mobile home registration certificate.

  • If you are 65 years of age or older, you need to bring proof of age, such as a driver’s license or birth certificate.

  • If you are 100% disabled, you should inquire as to what you should do.

Please complete the following form and bring into the Tax Assessors office to file your homestead exemption

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