The names below were approved at the Election Commission meeting Thursday, April 5th, in regard to the precinct changes approved Monday April 2nd, by the Board of Supervisors.
Redwood and Oak Ridge Precincts have been combined.
New name: Redwood Precinct
New voting location: Ridgeway Baptist Church, 4684 Redwood Road (at the corner of Oak Ridge Road)
Culkin Precinct has been divided into two precincts.
A dividing line starts at the corner of Oak Ridge Road and Henry Road. Continue along Henry Road to where it becomes Fairways Drive, and then to Muddy Creek. Continue south along Muddy Creek to Freetown Road.)
Voters northeast of Henry Road and Muddy Creek
New name: Oakland Precinct
New voting location: Oakland Baptist Church, 2959 Oak Ridge Road
Voters southwest of Henry Road and Muddy Creek
Existing name: Culkin Precinct
New voting location: Gibson Memorial United Methodist Church, 335 Oak Ridge Road
VJHS precinct has moved (all voters).
New name: Cherry Street Precinct
New voting location: Tree House Banquet Hall, 1837 Cherry Street
Tingleville Precinct has been divided into two precincts.
Voters in House Seat 63 (east side of existing precinct, blue on map, only precinct in Warren County with voters in this House Seat) remain in the existing location.
Existing name: Tingleville Precinct
Existing voting location: The Church of God, 5598 Gibson Road
Voters in House Seat 54 (north side of existing precinct, purple on map)
Voters in House Seat 55 (west side of existing precinct, tan on map)
New name: Lee Road Precinct
New voting location: Fisher Ferry Fire Station #2, 4423 Lee Road