Warren County, Mississippi

Re-Discover Living!!! A Great Place to Live, Work, and Play!

Warren County Road Department

Jamie Cain

Office Hours


The county road manager, under the policies determined by the board of supervisors and subject to the board’s general supervision and control, shall administer the county road department, superintend the working, construction and maintaining of the public roads and the building of bridges in such county, and carry out the general policies of the board in conformity with the estimates of expenditures fixed in the annual budget as finally adopted by the board or as thereafter revised by appropriate action of the board.  All requisitions for the purchase and repair of all equipment, heavy equipment, machinery, supplies, commodities, materials and services for the county road department shall be prepared by the county road manager and submitted to the county department of purchasing for processing in accordance with the central purchasing system.  The county road manager shall serve at the will and pleasure of the board of supervisors and may be removed from such position by a majority vote of the board.