Grand Jury Summons
** Grand Jury Summons have been mailed from my office. Please read the attached letter from Judge Terrett's office for your instructions for Monday, August 24, 2020. If you have any questions, please call the Court Administrator at 601-630-0150. You will CALL THAT MONDAY MORNING before coming to the COURTHOUSE. **
Warren County Circuit Clerk
Jan Hyland Daigre
Elected November 25, 2014
Office Hours
- Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Except on legal holidays)
- 1009 Cherry Street
- Post Office Box 351
- Vicksburg, Mississippi 39183-2539
The Circuit Clerk is elected at large to a 4 year term and provides a variety of services to the Circuit and County Courts as well as to the public. The office has 6 deputy clerks which help in all duties of the Circuit Clerk.
Circuit Clerk's Office